NFC Tags – Apex Connect+
You’ve reached this page because you navigated to an NFC, QR Code, or other URL-based tag in the format{tag}
. When the Apex Connect+ app is installed, it will handle the tag.
If you arrived here after scanning a tag on iOS, and you have the Apex Connect+ App installed, you may need to activate Universal Links:
- Long-press on this link
- Choose “Open in Apex Connect+”
- Attempt to scan the tag again
If you do not have it, you must install the iOS App for these tags to function.
If you arrived here after scanning a tag on Android, and you have the Apex Connect+ App installed, you may need to change the link settings.
- Launch Settings and navigate to “Apps & Notifications”, revealing the “Advanced” section if necessary
- Navigate to “Default apps” and then “Opening links”
- Open the “Apex Connect+” settings and choose “Clear defaults”
- Attempt to scan the tag again, choosing to open in Apex Connect+
If you do not have it, you must Install the Android App for these tags to function.